Nitrogen station service

What needs to be done to make the station serve a long time?

Not many people bother to read the instructions on the equipment, especially if it is a small commercial enterprise without its own service department and chief power engineer service.

So what should be done to ensure trouble-free operation of the station for a long period of time, for example 10-15 years?

The main thing to do, of course, is to service the screw compressor. The basic operation procedure after 2000-3000 hours of operation is as follows:

  1. Compressor oil change
  2. Air filter replacement at air inlet
  3. Change of oil filter
  4. Change of oil separator (not on all models of compressors)

Also it is necessary to change filter elements of trunk filters every two thousand hours. There are usually three of them in a set.

The nitrogen station itself requires less manipulation and is less complicated:

  1. Replacing the gas sensor (sensor). This should be done every 4,000 hours or a year of operation. If this is not done and the sensor is not calibrated, the gas parameters that appear on the display may not be accurate.
  2. Check and lubricate the pneumatic valves. This action is often done as needed when the station begins to behave differently. Or it is done after 12,000 hours of operation.
  3. And the most costly, but most infrequent, is changing the adsorbent. We recommend changing the adsorbent every 12,000 to 16,000 hours. The adsorbent has its natural mechanical wear and tear and must be replaced.
All work can be carried out by your in-house staff, locksmiths. Parts are always available in our warehouse and we can promptly send all necessary spare parts and consumables.

We have prepared a small memo on station maintenance, which can be conveniently hung next to the equipment at the place of operation. Just reply to this email and we will send you a WORD document which you can print and hang near the equipment.

If you still have questions, send a message to the servicemen on our Telegram.
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